The Civil Affairs officer asked us why we wish to adopt when we have children of our own? I gave an answer that has become a part of who we are as a family – “because we have room at our table.” There is that and it is true but there is something more. Isaac has been ours for only about 18 hours legally and yet already I can’t imagine him anywhere else. It doesn’t seem that he has a “past” that does not include us. I pray that God will cleanse his heart of any fears that remain from his early days and build upon the joys that Isaac has had. We can tell that the doctor and nannies from the orphanage really do love Isaac. It has to be hard for them to let him go but they cared for him with the hope that one day he would have his own family. And now he does. I pray Father that you will bless them and bring them great understanding of your peace and providence. Why have we adopted Isaac? Because he is ours and we are his and it is as God has planned that it should be.
Even now, Isaac Kehau is asleep for his afternoon nap. He has been to the Civil Affairs office, the Notary office, Wal Mart, lunch at a Chinese Restaurant and a walk around the lake. The food in Beijing was not that great but here it is awesome. Isaac loves it and so do we all! This afternoon we will go for a walk down the street and see what happens. Everyone we have met in Fuzhou has been so kind. On Monday, as we waited in the Beijing airport for our flight to Fuzhou, we sat with several Chinese also going to Fuzhou. Nathan is finishing up Mandarin 2 at Marvin Ridge High School and was able to put it to use. The grandmothers and grandfathers wanted to play with Abby and even bought her some candy. They carried on a conversation with Nathan about what we are doing. Then a couple of teenage girls got into the conversation and either they were practicing their English or Nathan was practicing his Mandarin or perhaps some of both.
We will remain in Fuzhou until Friday afternoon for the paperwork to be completed. That does leave us two free days. Free in that no legal meetings are planned… We will likely visit the Panda Zoo Wednesday and perhaps Putian on Thursday. Putian is 2 hours away and is Isaac’s home town. We will not be able to visit the orphanage because of the swine flu mess but could visit the area.
In my time in the Word today, I read in Psalm 67 – “May God be gracious to us and bless us and make his face to shine upon us, that your ways may be known on earth and your salvation among all nations. May the peoples praise you O God, May all the peoples praise you.” His way is the way of a selfless love and gracious adoption…I am not worthy of the privilege of being adopted by God nor of the privilege of being Isaac’s father. Why would he adopt me when he has so many other children? Why add one that will only bring him more trouble? And yet he did adopt me as his own and he claims me in the heavens. Why would I adopt Isaac? Because I am adopted…I am a son and have a Heavenly Father… because Isaac deserves to be a son – he was created to be a son – just as I was created to be a son and a father… Isaac’s father.
My bride and my son are sleeping still. Afternoon naps are wonderful. I think I will give it a try!
1 comment:
What a beautiful post! We are so excited to be watching your journey! We hope to be there sometime late summer. We too have room around our table as well. I think we want to adopt again to love another child. God loves me and I want to share His love with our precious daughter. Blow her kiss when in Putian!!!
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