...but you received the Spirit of adoption. And by him we cry, "Abba, Father." Romans 8:15

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Where in the world is Isaac KeHua!

The time is noon here in Charlotte, so that makes it midnight in Putian.  Isaac should be in bed right now, hopefully sleeping soundly.  His orphanage is in the city of Putian, a coastal city of 3 million people across the bay from Taiwan.  Putian is a busy harbor for exporting China's manufactured goods.  She is also a major shoe manufacturing city. 
Since Putian does not have an airport, we will actually fly into Beijng and then to Fuzhou.  Fuzhou has a population of 11 million and more importantly for us, an airport!  Fuzhou is about 70km north of Putian.  The orphanage will actually bring Isaac to us in Fuzhou.  We will remain there for about a week and then fly down to Guangzhou for a week of paperwork.  Guangzhou is a large city across the bay from Hong Kong and happens to have the US Embassy.  From there we fly to Hong Kong and home to Marvin, NC!
Of course all of this doesn't begin for a few weeks.  The man in me wants to plan the route  - the daddy in me wants to pick up my sleeping child and just rock for a while.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Remaining Needs

To date we have spent about $17,000 on adopting Isaac. Those fees covered agency fees, home study, physicals, background checks, dossier collection, certification, authentication and translation and visas but there is still alot left.  Remaining fees for Sandy and I to travel to China, adopt Isaac and bring him HOME are about $17,000.  Those include:
Orphanage fee $5000
In-country paperwork and other legal fees $2500
International travel about $3800
In-country transportation, lodging and other expenses about $6500.

Would you please pray with us for God's provision?  The time is short as we are expected to purchase flights and in-country travel and lodging probably in the next 2-3 weeks.  We are trusting that God will provide but we really don't have a clue how.

Crazy in Love!

Crazy? HA! Someone asked why we adopt a special needs child when we already have 5 other children... maybe we are crazy - crazy in love! check out this video of special needs adoption http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yEbI6GgHm80

Friday, January 15, 2010

Will Isaac be HOME Soon???

Oh yes! He is getting closer. Our Visa applications are at the Chinese Embassy in Washington. Our adoption agency, AWAA, tells us that we might travel late February to China to pick him up and hug him into his forever family!

So what has to happen now? Sandy is upstairs packing Isaac's bright red suitcase with cute clothes, bottles, bibs, pull-ups and a few toys. We are waiting to receive a TA (travel appointment) from China through our agency. That will give us a firm date. Then we will book flights to Beijing, Fuzhou, Guangzhou, Hong Kong and back home to CLT as well as hotels and buses/taxis in-country - thankfully our agency will handle all of the booking! We do have to pay for all of that - bummer :( - and we are still short financially, we are confident that God will provide it all.

Isaac's bed is made, teddy bears are in place, bottles and cups are in the cabinets... all we need is Isaac and all Isaac needs is his family!

Soon? Oh Yes! Soon...

Monday, January 4, 2010

Paperwork in the Mail!

We just dropped off
I800 at FedEx - Petetion to declare Isaac a citizen upon his entering the USA!
DS230 - Application for Visa for Isaac
Travel documents to AWAA for flights and hotels for us...

This is getting very close!