...but you received the Spirit of adoption. And by him we cry, "Abba, Father." Romans 8:15

Friday, January 15, 2010

Will Isaac be HOME Soon???

Oh yes! He is getting closer. Our Visa applications are at the Chinese Embassy in Washington. Our adoption agency, AWAA, tells us that we might travel late February to China to pick him up and hug him into his forever family!

So what has to happen now? Sandy is upstairs packing Isaac's bright red suitcase with cute clothes, bottles, bibs, pull-ups and a few toys. We are waiting to receive a TA (travel appointment) from China through our agency. That will give us a firm date. Then we will book flights to Beijing, Fuzhou, Guangzhou, Hong Kong and back home to CLT as well as hotels and buses/taxis in-country - thankfully our agency will handle all of the booking! We do have to pay for all of that - bummer :( - and we are still short financially, we are confident that God will provide it all.

Isaac's bed is made, teddy bears are in place, bottles and cups are in the cabinets... all we need is Isaac and all Isaac needs is his family!

Soon? Oh Yes! Soon...

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