...but you received the Spirit of adoption. And by him we cry, "Abba, Father." Romans 8:15

Friday, May 14, 2010


Isaac Kehua Spitler is HOME!!!!!!


Everything Beautiful Shay said...

Whoo hoo! So thankful you all are home safe and sound!!! Love the pic. Isaac is ADORABLE!!! Hoping for our LOA soon.

T Lennard said...

Welcome Home, Spitlers!

So fun to read your blog. I caught it at the end of your journey and was thrilled to see your son was from Fujian Province. We adopted Cheyanne back with you all in Dec. 05, but then went back and adopted Cassidy in March 08 from Longyan, SWI, Fujian Province. We so enjoyed Fuzhou and loved the Lakeside hotel and park across the street. Glad your journey was good and Isaac is settling in easily to the family. Congrats on adopting again!
Trenton & Tamara Lennard