...but you received the Spirit of adoption. And by him we cry, "Abba, Father." Romans 8:15

Thursday, December 31, 2009

Putian Social Welfare Institute - Isaac's Current Home

Isaac KeHua currently lives at the Putian Social Welfare Institute (Orphanage).  The orphanage was started by American missionaries in the 1800's.  The group that began it was kicked out long ago BUT there are still Christians that pray for these orphans daily! Found a Google map
 http://maps.google.com/maps?q=&num=1&vps=6&jsv=196c&sll=25.374895,119.080639&sspn=0.133386,0.202217&hl=en&ie=UTF8&geocode=FVMygwEdtfcYBw&split=0 that actually has the orphanage on it.  Wouldn't it be great if we could have a sort of Narnian adventure and jump through the map right to where Isaac is sleeping?!?!

Monday, December 28, 2009

Interested in Adopting?

One of the great pleasures in our life has been helping others get started on the trail to adoption.  If you want to know more, send us a note!  There are an estimated 143 million orphans worldwide.  We can't care for them all but we CAN do our part!

FAQ – Bring Isaac HOME!

1. Why adopt?

So many reasons!
• First, God adopted us – Romans 8:15, “For you did not receive a spirit that makes you a slave again to fear, but you received the Spirit of adoption (sonship). And by him we cry, "Abba, Father."
• 2nd we have room in at our table, in our hearts, in our family.
• 3rd there are an estimated 143 million orphans in the world. While we can’t take care of all of them, we can do something.
• Finally, God made it clear to us that he had another son for us, another adoption for us… we know that Isaac KeHua will receive the medical care he needs as a part of our family and we know that he will be ‘blessed’ to be a part of our family. But we have learned by experience that we will be blessed the most… by having him as a part of us.

2. When will you travel?

The information we just received has us leaving in late February and returning 2 weeks later.

3. How much does adoption cost?

Adoption costs vary based on country of adoption, changing international regulations and travel costs at different times of the year. Currently, adopting a child from China is $25,000 to $37,000. It’s expensive but many working together can make it happen.

4. How much have you spent so far?

We have spent $15,000 to date on adopting Isaac. Those fees covered agency fees, home study, physicals, background checks, dossier collection, certification, authentication and translation.

5. How much is left?

Remaining fees for Sandy and I to travel to China, adopt Isaac and bring him HOME are almost $17,000.
Orphanage fee $5000
In-country paperwork and other legal fees $2500
International travel about $3800
In-country transportation, lodging and other expenses about $5200
Visas $310

6. How is adoption funded?

Adoption is funded through a wide range of sources such as savings, help from the community of family and friends, adoption assistance groups, adoption loans, etc. We have funded this adoption so far through the sale of a camper, cutting expenses and borrowing from our retirement account.

7. What can I do to help bring Isaac home?

Well the first and constant need is prayer for his safety and health.
Secondly, some have asked about giving financially to defray the cost. All gifts, both large and small, are needed! Bill Adams, a close friend and deacon at our church has agreed to collect any gifts and make sure they get to the proper account. His contact info is:

Bill Adams, 6131 Greystone Drive, Matthews, NC 28104 - 704-408-7477, bill.adams@us.festo.com

8. What about expenses after Isaac comes HOME?

These are unknown. We know Isaac will have a series of operations to correct his cleft lip and 3rd degree cleft palate. Additional care will involve a lot of dental work and speech training. The good news is that some of the best medical care in the Southeast is available in Charlotte and much of the care will be covered by insurance.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Referral APPROVED!

Our referral was approved by the CCAA (China Center for Adoption Affairs) on Friday, 12/18/09!  The next step is some paperwork involved in getting a visa for Isaac and then waiting for a TA (travel approval) and then we TRAVEL!  Our agency said we should be traveling in March.  Needless to say, there are a lot of excited people here!

Monday, July 6, 2009

Adopting brings me to my knees

Our home study is complete. Soon we will be sending a Dossier to China. The Dossier is the collection of documents that the Chinese government uses to analyze a prospective adopter's suitability. After that, the referral could come at any time... We are hoping to adopt a special needs child, either girl or boy. There is a yearning in our home for this child to come in and make this his or her forever home. Soon my child...
Our tears flow freely as we consider who this child might be and we imagine the eyes that will shine back at the remainder of their forever family. Our hearts wait for God's referral. We wait also to find out how to pay for this adoption... we honestly don't have a clue where that money is coming from but we do know that Our Father will provide. It all leaves us on our knees, hoping, dreaming, believing...
Tonight I can almost hear the voice of our child